A. Events prior to the creation of St. Thomas Syro-Malabar diocese of Chicago
North American Knanaya Catholic community came to existence by the migration of Knanaya Catholics from Kerala in the late 50s and 60’s. Early immigrants settled primarily in Chicago and New York. As more and more people started to migrate the community members started to organize themselves in to associations in various locations to foster their bond and traditions starting in the mid 70s. First Knanaya associations were in Chicago and New York.
In the early days Knanaya priests who serve various Latin Parishes in North America provided occasional religious service in Malayalam and community members were part of Latin Parishes for day to day pastoral needs.
In the visionary leadership of people like Thomas Mulackal (NY), Chacko Poovathumkal (Chicago) an effort began in early 80s to unite all Knanaites in North America under one parent organization and as a result a convention was organized in New York in 1986. A number of people attended convention and they sowed the seed for Knanaya Catholic Congress of North America (KCCNA). KCCNA was formed as an organization in 1988 and Mr. Abraham Niravath was elected as the first president in 1988. Subsequently John Akasala became president in 1991 and during his tenure, the first constitution was drafted for KCCNA and number of Knanaya associations increased from 4 to 13 and the Knanaya Missions became 3 from 1. The 2ndconvention of North American Knanaya community was organized in 1993, again in NY. The 3rd, 4thand 5th conventions were successfully held in Chicago, Houston and Orlando, respectively.
The period between 1980 and 1993 was a tumultuous period for the community in Chicago. During this time the community in Chicago started to see the biggest threat to our centuries old traditions. Community members were divided into two organizations (KANA and present KCS) based on whether to include those knanaites who married out side the community in the Knanaya associations. Those who wanted to include non-endogamous Knanaites were part of KANA and others were in KCS. At that time Fr. Chollambel was in Chicago and he was administering pastoral care through the newly established Knanaya mission (first Knanaya mission in North America). KANA asked for membership in Knanaya mission for those who married outside the community and the mission director refused. KANA filed petitions at the Archdiocese and to Rome and which eventually ended up in the community not having a priest in Chicago. We were denied even a church to say Mass – it was again an interesting period for the community because whenever there was a need, priests like Late Fr. Abraham Pulikoottil used to fly in from Buffalo at his own expense to say mass for the Knanaya faithful in Chicago and those masses were conducted in rented Korean churches or basements. This period was a blessing in disguise because the community showed its resolve in protecting its traditions and customs at any cost. The Knanaya mission in Chicago was reinstated in 1990 with Fr. Cyriac Manthuruthil as the spiritual director.
ഹ്രദയ സ്പര്ശിയായ ക്നാനായ വികാരങ്ങള് സ്ഫുരിക്കുന്ന ബാക്കി ഭാഗം നാളെ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കുന്നതാണ്.
ചിക്കാഗോ കനാ
എന്നെന്നും ക്നാനായക്കരോടൊപ്പം
വാല് കഷണം
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മുത്തു പള്ളി രെക്ടരിയില് നടത്തിയ ഓണപ്പൂക്കള മത്സരത്തില് ഒന്നാം സ്ഥാനം ലഭിച്ച പൂക്കളം |
ഭിന്ദ്രന് വാലാ യെ ഇന്ദിരാ ഗാന്ധി വളര്ത്തിയത് പോലെ ആയി എന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു VG ബ്ലോഗ് എഴുതാന് കുറെ ക്വട്ടേഷന് കാരെ ഏല്പിച്ചത്.തെറിയുടെ പെരുന്നാള് ആണല്ലോ .അതോ സ്വയം തെറി തന്നെ കുറിച്ച് എഴുതിച്ചിട്ടു സിമ്പതി കിട്ടും എന്നാണോ കരുതുന്നത്.അല്ല എങ്കില് നിക്രഷ്ടമായ ഭാഷ ഉപയോഗിച്ചാല് അത് VG യുടെ ബ്ലോഗ് അല്ല എന്ന് പുരോം ലോകത്തെ വിസ്വസിപ്പികാന് ആണോ?എന്തായാലും VG യുടെ സ്ട്രാടജി പൊളിയുക ആണ്.സഭ്യതയുടെ എല്ലാ സീമകളും ലംഘിച്ചു മുതോലതച്ചനെ പിന്തുണച്ചു നടത്തുന്ന ബ്ലോഗു പരിപാടിയെ ചിക്കാഗോ കനാ ശക്തി ആയി അപലപിക്കുന്നു.സാംസ്കാരിക പരവും, ക്രൈസ്തവ പരവും, സഭാ പരവും ആയ എല്ലാ കാഴ്ചപ്പാടുകള്ക്കും വിരുധമായ ഇത്തരം മാലിന്യം വിസര്ജിച്ചു ചിക്കഗോയെ കുറിച്ച് പുറം ലോകത്തിനു വികലമായ കാഴ്ചപ്പാടു ണ്ടാക്കുന്ന , പ്രാഞ്ചി സംസ്കാരതിനതീതരായ ക്നാനായക്കാര്ക്കുവേണ്ടി നിലകൊള്ളുവാന് കോട്ടയത്ത് നിന്ന് വന്ന പട്ടക്കാര് ആരുമില്ലാത്തതിനാല് ഞങ്ങള് സാധാരണക്കാരായ ക്നാനായക്കാരെ പ്രതിനിധീകരിക്കുന്നു.പ്രസ്തുത ബ്ലോഗില് ഭാഷ നന്നാക്കി ഇല്ല എങ്കില് ഇനി ചിക്കാഗോ ക്നായുടെ ശക്തമായ ഇടപെടലുകള് ഉണ്ടാകും.
Send these venom spitting Judases from the pulpits back to INDIA or report them to HOMELAND SECURITY. NOBODY NEEDS THEM. They are here to steal your money. When are you going to get it you shameless Budhoooo Praanchis!!
ReplyDeleteആദ്യം ഒരു നല്ല മനുഷ്യന് ആകുക, പിന്നെ ഒരു നല്ല ക്രിസ്ത്യാനി, പിന്നെ ഒരു നല്ല കത്തോലികാന്, പിന്നെ ഒരു സീറോ മലബാരുകാരന് , പിന്നെ മതി ഒരു നല്ല ക്നാനയനാകല്
ReplyDelete1980's-(THEN)First Knanaya Association of America established in Chicago. Thanks to Chacko Sir
ReplyDelete2000's-(THEN)First Syro Malabar Knanaya Catholic Church established in Chicago. Thanks to Bishop Angadiath, Past priests, VG & prosperous KCS
2010's-(NOW) Attempts to establish first KANA Catholic churches being established by rebranding the existing Knanaya churches in Chicago. Thanks to Bishops, VG, KANA & Pranji.
The above article says - "....the community showed its resolve in protecting its traditions and customs at any cost"
ReplyDeleteWhere are those people now. We miss them!!
Why does the current leaders have such resolve to finish our traditions and customs at any cost. I weep for their future generations!!
Dear Blogger, Did you pay even a cent for the church. Still you are going to the churches made using the fund of Pranchis. Your children are studying CCD at those Pranchy Made churches and getting blessing from Muthu every week. You are also going their and have Oasthi becuase if it is Oasu (Free) also take the coffee and foods (if free ) from the church and also Hennesy ( if free). Then you go home and write this type of bull shits in the blogs?
ReplyDeleteYou could have help your wife in her daily duties or help your kids for their studies.
Actually, almost all off us paid a lot to both the churches.
DeleteDo you think TWO churches in Chicago, the convent, two rectories, another recotory coming, all remodelings in the churches, 3 full time priests salary plus expenses, trasfering money from chicago (40K) to NY, transfering money to San Antonio every month etc etc came due to the contribution of a handful (10-15) pranchis??? These pranchis are'nt all that rich man! They cannot afford 1/4 of this by themselfs. Look at the weekly contributions. Some of them are actually broke but like to be called a pranchi.
After having paid all that money, many of the people realsied what is happening. They realised the hate and lies Muthu has towards Knas and non-pranchis. Did you not hear our own Kottayam Bishop try to redefine the defition of kna in this very church with Muthu? Thats why people are angry. Realise that.
We all can efford Hennessy. Free coffee my foot. We are drinking so called free coffee and selling our own parents heritage to Muthus alter. Time will tell.
The seriousness of any kind of crime become more severe ,according to its nature,It can be without or with knowledge.. Now ralise the Fact,Fr. Mutholam (with all the reaspect as a priest)betrayed the whole Knanaya community knowing the fact the The churches (Mission)are Non-Edogomus.Did he ever mentioned it before or after buying the churches...How can any one, with a bit of brain, can Justify Fr.Mutholam...or any of his Supporters....
DeleteFr. mutholam is doing the Same as bitish has done to India, "Divide and Rule", among the Knanayapeople in north America..
Nobody is doing any favor about CCD's dude. Our kids were in CCD before these churches were made OK? Remember OLV?
DeleteMuthu has shamelessly used the kids and CCD as a bargaining tool to bring parents to church, generate money for church, to gather family information etc etc. we all know that. But he has always used it as his secret weapon and not openly mentioned it openly ever. Now you are mentioning about it shamelelly.
Hope you have heared about the 'Hook & Sinker Policy' where you always use a hook to make the fish bite. One the fish bites game over. Thats what Muthu is using CCD as - a hook to catch and keep the families. Don't discuss this CCD strategy so openly and make out kids a bargaining tool. It only goes to say how cheap the Prachis are.
Please don't even think of calling Maywood chruch as Prachi made chruch ok!! the so called Prachis always bycotted the Maywood church and did not support it in any way. I do not know about Morton Grove, but the children who go to CCD here are not studing in any 'Prachi made church' okay?
DeleteThere are plenty of pranchis in Maywood my friend. Just look at the rich people Saji Achan always hanging out with. All achans need pranchis whether it is in Kerala, Maywood, Uzbekistan, or Mortongrove.
DeleteThe one difference I can think of between the Maywood pranchi and the Mortongrove prachi is that the maywood ones think they own God also in addition to money.
Please get your facts straight! The original Knanaya Catholic Mission was approved by the Chicago Archdioces with the norms and conditions very well established. That is "All Knanaya Faithful regardless of their marital status have equal rights in the Knanaya Mission". This directive was established based on Rome's finding that unchristian practices are being promoted in the Knanaya dioces in Kerala India and those practices cannot be extended to United States. So what the above showes is " stupidity has no boundaries". KCCNA, KCS and all such lay organizations can keep on barking, but Knanaya Catholic Church in US is established without boundaries or bias regarding the membership for non endogamous Knanaya people in the Knanaya Church. So you all are royally SCREWED!!
ReplyDeleteThats correct. Its the Prachis and the lavish contributors who are being screwed the most - By their own loving priests and VG. Hahaha. What an irony!
DeleteJust look at the Uzhavoor Church and near by Arekara Church. Areekara was had very good strong church but some rich decided to make like Vatican Basilica and they destroy the good one and they have no church for 4 years and financially struggling. Uzhavoor is protected by God's providence and faithful never had any financial issues. If Church goes through God's way it will progress and all members benefits from it.
ReplyDeleteSince you braught CCD into the politics, let me ask you - In Morton grove church with such good central location, such good infrastructure, with two full time priests and 3-4 nuns and so many volunteers why cannot Fr have a different structure for conducting CCD and holy mass? Why does he always want to make it into a marathon session from 10-1.30pm every single sunday? Which means it is 9.00am till 2.00pm for families. He is very well aware of the difficulties for 2 long years but he doesn not want to change because he wants everyone to hang around in the church.
ReplyDeleteThey needs to have some good pictures with more children and people. They don't care about the quality. If we do a universal testing system then we will see the real results with others. Syromalabar church do have more children but they have two ccd on Sunday and both parents and students will be home by noon. Now we have 10 teachers per class and American churches ccd on regular days and Sunday may be good parents and children go to mass together and do ccd on other day.
DeleteCorrect...How can we teach these clergies, nuns and catechism incharges that "The Family That Prays Together Stays Together".
DeleteIt is unfortunate that here in America, families pray separately only in malayalam churches. Our own churches are unconsciously teaching children from a very young age that its okay to pray separately without parents. When they become big they just continue to do what they practiced in church for 10 plus years and they go to the church they like without parents. They are uncomfortable to attend holy mass along with their grandparents and parents even on Christmas. How can we blame them?
The blame is on us dear community members, church office bearers, dear Priests, dear nuns, dear catechism coordinators. It is for us to collectively think and make decisions on whats best for OUR CHILDREN.
This is 2012, not 1982 when we were all new in America!!
We have more than 300 children, not 30-40 children like before!!
We have more than 800 families, not 80 families!!
We have our own Churches, not rented churches!!
We have full time priests now, not part-time priests like before!!
We have an army of volunteers, not a hand full like before!!
So please encourage the family to stay together while praying together in a same mass
Adults and young children willing to adjust any situations but our youth we cannot mislead them easily. If parents are not serious about the faith no teacher or the best priest in this world cannot change our children. Fr. Roy Kadupil used to say parents needs more religious education than the little children. Most of the senior teachers do have American church background they are willing to go American church now but I cannot expect new kids do the same. They learn lots of bad things from our community.
DeleteMost of the saints and Jesus considered very bad by some. We have good faith in Jesus, Bible and catholic faith but we cannot say each catholic is perfect and we cannot follow individuals unless they follow correct catholic teachings and principles.